Nicole's Turkish Travels

my first independent adventure

Monday, January 31, 2005

The Generosity of the Turks

One day, Mehmet left Istanbul for his village. It was a long drive, with many twists and turns in the road. After a few hours of driving, Mehmet passed a stopped car on the roadside. The driver of the lame car was inspecting a flat tire. Mehmet had seome extra time, so he turned around and went to help the guy.

Upon closer inspection, Mehmet discovered that no only was the tire ripped, but the rim was badly damaged, no thanks to the wonderful Turkish roads. Mehmet decided to take the man and his tire to the nearest town and make sure the stranger was taken care of before continuing on to the village. Once the man had his tire and rim replaced, Mehmet drove him back to his car and said good-bye.

Several years later, Mehmet and his family, in the same old car he had been driving for 10 years, were driving down the same road on a cold and rainy night. The rain was heavy and the roads were near flooding. The old car became saturated with water and eventually stalled, not to be started again. Mehmet got out to look under the hood, but since it was dark, he couldn't see much and decided to get back into the car.

As he opened the driver's door, another car pulled up from behind. A man in his thirties got out and offered some help.

"Since the weather is so bad, you and your family can stay the night at my place and we'll take care of your car in the morning."

Although he didn't really want to leave his car on the side of the road overnight, Mehmet saw no other option so he agreed. That night, he and his family had a lovely dinner prepared for them and slept in warm beds. The next morning, they awoke to find a huge spread of breakfast foods waiting for them. When he walked outside into the morning sun, there was his car, fixed and ready to go!

"What's this?" asked Mehmet. "Why are you being so generous?"

The man replied, "Do you remember five years ago you helped me with my flat tire? Now it is my turn to repay you for your kindness!"


True story, folks! And you thought this only happened in fairy tales or "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Kurban Bayram

Living in Trabzon can get me down. Aside from the three weeks when Kyle was here, my life is pretty monotonous. I wake up and lay in bed for an hour or so, staying in the warm bed trying to motivate myself to take a shower in an ice box. Then I dilly-dally around with several distractions at once, such as trying to find a song in my music collection to play for my students (unsuccessful thus far), pulling all the hair out of my brush or counting all the unmailed postcards I have written (currently 12--written 2 months ago). Then around noon I get ready to go to work. After work, I grab a quick bite to eat and head for the Internet cafe. At some point I drag myself up the hill and go to bed only to start all over again tomorrow.

So having a break from the monotony was nothing less than fantastic.

I flew to Istanbul on the first day of the four-day holiday, and it was really great to get off the plane and be embraced by someone who was happy to see me. I jumped into the car with Bahadir and Neslihan and headed for Chorlu, a city just west of Istanbul in the European side of Turkey, aka Thrace.


The view was wonderful! Nothing like the mountains around Trabzon. We got to Chorlu around 2 and I met Bahadir's family. Sitting around the kitchen table, his sister asks me,

"Are you a vegetarian?"


"What do you think of Kurban Bayram?"

Kurban Bayram translates roughly to "Feast of the Sacrifice", and commemorates one of the ten trials of Abraham, in which he was called on to kill his own son by God (actually Satan disguised as God). Just as he was about to perform the sacrifice, God stopped him and told him that the sacrifice had already been made. In his son's place, he sacrificed a camel and they feasted.

Before talking with Bahadir and his family extensively about this, I have to admit I thought that the whole affair was rather disgusting and cruel. I felt an incredible sadness that all the animals I had been seeing on the side of the roads would be dead by the weekend.

As Bahadir explained it to me, there are three elements of the sacrifice. The first is the sacrifice of money and physical effort. Animals are expensive, so families go in on one together. Up to 7 families can share one, but this year Bahadir's family split it between four. The total cost was about 2000 YTL (Yeni Turkish Lira), which is about $1500. The physical effort required to deal with the meat is huge. In the morning, the men of the family go to the fields (or where ever the animals are being held) and buy the animal. While they are bargaining, each head of the household shake hands vigoursly with the seller. I saw this on TV and it looks quite funny. Four men on one side and the seller on the other, shaking hands up to shoulder-level and down to hip level, the whole while negotiating price. Once the animal is sold, the families take it to the killing place where they say a prayer, to praise God and bless the animal. I didn't actually see the sacrifice myself for a couple reasons. The first being that my plane came in the afternoon and the sacrifice is a whole day affair, starting after the first morning prayer. Secondly, the men are the ones who take care of that part anyway. As far as I know and understand, women don't participate until the meat comes home.

A word regarding the meat here. The animal must be at least a year old, although larger animals, such as cows or camels, must be at least two years old. It must also be healthy, not ill, pregnant, or otherwise defected. Acceptable animals are camels, cows, and chicken (if one doesn't have a lot of money). Islamic law forbids eating pork, monkeys, dogs, cats, or other carnivores. In fact, the only meat that should be consumed is meat that has been blessed by God. Kosher meat is acceptable.

The killing itself must have good intentions, as this is done for need rather than pleasure. Therefore, the killing must not be performed in a cruel or painful way. The preferred method is cutting the jugular vain so the animal loses blood, goes into shock and loses consciousness, and dies of cardiac arrest.

The whole family participates in cutting up the meat, as is observed in this photograph.

Cutting the meat

It's a dirty job, but they do it every year.

The second element of the sacifice is to find poor people to give meat to. Many people don't know poor people directly, so finding them can be a job. (I'm not sure if there are agencies that help with this or not, though in this day and age I'm sure there are.) When the poor are found, they have to be convinced to take the meat. People have an honor here that won't allow them to accept something without giving something in return, so convincing someone to take something isn't always easy. (I've tried to convince people to take money from me for instance, but generally to no avail.)

Finally, there is the element of human nature. According to Muslim thinking, humans are innately violent. By sacrificing an animal, the need to kill is satisfied without harming other people.

As I sat there in the kitchen watching all this meat being cut up, it was difficult for me to imagine that all of it had been a living breathing animal that morning. What struck me was the strong connection Turks have with their food. How many Americans cut up the meat they eat? A few, but definitly not the majority. About 60% of Turks sacrifice an animal every year, and what they keep lasts until the next killing.

In other places in Turkey, people were celebrating in the streets. I watched a broadcast from a city on the southern coast called Aslankoy (Lion Village). There was music with drums and a zurna (very loud, double-reeded clarinet without keys--my favorite wind instrument ever), dancing, passing out toys to the children, cooking fires, and eating all kinds of food. They were making garbonzo beans with meat and blood(?), rice and butter, popcorn and roasted garbonzo beans being swept around the cooking surface with a pine needle branch, green kebabs, apple and peach conserve, deep fried sweets, sugary sweets, and gozleme (just to name a few). It all looked really fun and I wanted to go! But that was several thousand kilometers away.

After several hours of working on the meat, they put it away for the night and resumed work in the morning. It was almost never ending!

Around 2 o'clock the next day, Bahadir, his wife Neslihan, his sister Nur, and I piled into his car and headed for Tekirdag (the 'g' is silent), a city known for its Raki. While I didn't get to see where they make the raki (it was a holiday after all), I did get to see the Marmara Sea.

Marmara Sea

As you can see, it is nothing compared to the Black Sea. Well, maybe you can't really tell. To me, the Marmara Sea is what I imagined living next to water would be like. I look at it and I can breathe. The shores are calm and earthy. The landscape nearby, as you saw, is open and wide. I could walk here for hours! And it would probably feel like I was going nowhere. But damn! Sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating in Trabzon.

On Saturday, we left Chorlu and headed back to Istanbul. We didn't move very quickly because we stopped at almost everyone's house on the way. First some work friends with the cutest 2-year old, then an uncle, another uncle, and finally Neslihan's parents' house. Phew! Eariler in the day, I mentioned something about wanting to buy a Turkish carpet, so Bahadir took me to the Covered Bazaar, but since it was still Bayram, it was closed. No problem, because it was getting dark and the perfect time to do my favorite hobby: nighttime photography!

Sultanahmet Camii/the Blue Mosque

Sultanahmet again

And then we went bowling!

Blue Light Bowling

On Sunday I fought my way through the most crowded airport ever and headed back to Trabzon. Walking around the city though, didn't have any sense of homecoming. Nobody is here to greet me, hug me. As I walked through the streets, I found myself walking rather slowly. "Am I tired?" Yes, but not because of any phyiscal activity or because the hour-and-a-half flight was strenuous. I'm tired of Trabzon. Tired of the congestion, the yelling, the honking of horns, the constant city bustle, narrow streets, and lack of city parks.

Right now I'm in the winter slump. Everything is brown, grey, and dingy. Nothing green, nothing beautiful. Once spring arrives (which is around a month and a half from now), I'll head for the mountains and be dazzled by spring colors like I keep seeing advertised in the photo shops. In the meantime, I'm playing the saz and hugging electric heaters.

Ouch! That one was a little hot.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Idle time

Well, I have a lot of time on my hands these days. I went to Istanbul for Kurban Bayram and a great time. More on that later though, as the writing process takes some time and I just got back today.

In the meantime, check out this weird trend in the blogosphere.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Love Bomb

I found this on the BBC website today. Is the US military for real?

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Frescoes are so amazing

On my first visit to Aya Sofia here in Trabzon, I failed to see some amazing work. A few weeks later I picked up a brochure from the tourist office and saw something like this photograph. I thought the brochure was lying! I was sure this wasn't there.

Aya Sofia Trabzon

Imagine my surprise when I went with Kyle when I saw this. Just thought I'd share some more.

People! Come and visit me so that you may see these things for yourself! But not until summer when I have vacation...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

I spoke too soon

Isn't it always the case that when you release attatchment from something a wish you had, you get it?

Exactly twenty-four hours after writing my previous entry, I meet another American woman living in Trabzon, who also doesn't have any close friends around. I only got to speak with her for a whole 15 minutes, but the possiblity of frienship is good. She has a great laugh and laughs easily (like me!), is strong and independent, has lived abroad for some time (about two years) and is an English teacher. I'm excited to hang out with her. How did I meet her?

Yesterday evening, one of Emma's friends came to the school for a visit. She told us about an English teacher EFL conference that's happening at KTU (the Black Sea Technical University) until Friday and invited all of us to attend. "Awesome!" I thought. I've been feeling a bit frustrated with my evening class lately because they come in after a long day's work right after dinner and are so difficult to motivate at times. It was just the thing I needed. Not only did I meet this fantastic woman, I also met other English language teachers (all Turkish). A few of them invited me to their town 2 hours away for a visit. They said, "We need native-speakers in our class!"

After today's seminars, I went back to school and planned the most kick-ass lesson ever. The lesson went smoothly, my students learned what they needed, and the retained what they learned (at least for the two-hour lesson). Yahoo!

To close, let me comment on the Internet cafes music taste. Mostly the guys running various outfits listen to Turkish pop music, which I must admit grates on my nerves after a while. I love Turkish folk music, but I just can't jive with the pop, especially when I hear the same 8 songs in a constant loop. Sometimes they'll play American music, but it's usually Celine Dion or EMINEM (there are a couple EMINEM songs I like, but they don't play those--they play the ones I don't particularly care for). I think I have found my favorite Internet cafe now, after four months of searching. They don't play much Turkish pop music, nor do they play too much American pop music. What I like is that they play a variety of music. In fact, right now they are playing a song I used to listen to in college, bringing me back to a dark and smoky dorm room with my best friend and our boyfriends named Jeremy. Ah, those days!

Hm, I just discovered they are playing this song by pure accident. Apparently, they downloaded the song from the Internet and somebody, somewhere, confused the title of the song, "Evanescence" (by scorn), with the name of the band, Evanescence. Ha ha!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

This month my phone bill will be smaller

It's amazing how different I felt having a close friend visit. While Kyle was here, I didn't make nearly as many phone calls home as I usually do. I also didn't take an hour to get out of bed, and I ate more meals at home. These are all things I tell myself I'll do (or not do as the case may be), but I never really follow through. My life is so simple here that sometimes it's difficult to motivate myself to do even simple things, such as get out of bed when I wake up.

Now things will go back to normal. I'll go to work at noon, plan lessons for a few hours, teach for a couple hours, go to the Internet cafe, eat a small dinner, read, then go to bed. On the weekends I'll teach for several hours, go the Internet cafe, eat, read, then go to bed. Somewhere in there I'll practice the saz.

How is my life so simple here but oh-so busy back in the States? Mostly, I don't have many people to hang out with here. At first this really brought me down, but as more time passes I'm happy to have all this time to myself. The only thing to distract me from what I want to accomplish is myself. While this is a blessing, it is also my greatest challenege. This is the year I overcome laziness.

Just looked up "lazy" in the dictionary. Do I want to look back at my life and remember my year in Turkey as inert, passive, procrastinating, unindustrious? Hell no! I want to see myself as involved, animated, delightful, and alive!

That's it. I'm going to the gym right now. Wee!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Title Schmitle

Feast your eyes on all this snow!

Mountain View from my office

To start with, the view from my office. From here I can see what kind of weather is coming within a few hours. If I can't see the mountains, I prepare myself for a dreary day. I can also see the coast, and if that disappears, I curse myself for leaving my umbrella at home.

Sumela Monastery

Sumela in a soft blanket of snow. It wasn't as cold as it looks. Of course, Kyle and I were hiking at a good click up a mountain.

Kyle and Nicole

Some people say we look alike. I think it's just the clothes.

Kyle skiing at Palandoken

Some reckless skier that was my teacher. See his website.

View from Ataturks Pavillion

Breaking with the theme, there is no snow here. This is the view from Ataturk's Pavillion, way above Trabzon. It was so peaceful up there.

View from Bus ride from Erzurum

This was the view a couple hours out of Erzurum. It took my breath away! I have never been in a mountain range totally covered in snow.

Bus ride from Erzurum

An hour or so later, the sky was softly glowing.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Bumped my head, scraped my face, and sprained my ankle

Being a first-time skier has many advantages. People help you put on your ski boots, no matter how many times you undo them to get your pants just right; if you fall down on the bunny hill, somebody will help you up; the ski lift attendants are forgiving if you go the wrong way when getting off; and most importantly, you can make a total ass of yourself by doing something as simple as trying to get your lift pass to make the turnstile work.

I did all of these things and then some. Kyle gave me some quick and dirty lessons on how to go down hill and turn, but I failed to learn how to stop quickly, which would become a major disadvantage later. After a couple hours on the bunny hill, Kyle encouraged me to try the steeper one.

"The view is great from up there," he said. My curiosity peaked and I agreed to go. As the second lift whisked us away, I had a moment of doubt, but I decided to ignore it.

Even though I had itty-bitty nightmares of my lift seat breaking off the half-inch cable and plummeting into the snow and pine trees below, it was a cool ride. I looked behind me briefly and saw the whole of Erzurum and the low flat valley it inhabits. In the distance were more mountains, equally as white as the ones we were on. It's so cool how far the human eye can see when given the opportunity. I made a mental note to bring my camera up here before leaving.

And the skiing commenced. At first the trail was really wide, and Kyle told me to just follow him and everything would be fine. Before I could make any significant distance, I found myself going way too fast for my own good. I panicked, forgot to turn, and crashed right into a baby pine tree. One of my skis fell off and I had one hell of a time trying to get it back on. I felt like giving up right there and then, but there was no other choice but to continue. I couldn't "walk" back, sideways up the hill, to take the ski lift down and there was no way I was gonna face the embarrassing walk down the hill, so I persevered. I managed a hairpin turn and a super fast straight path for a bit. The latter was the coolest because I got to ski on virgin snow! It was exhilarating.

Then came the home stretch before the bunny hill. It was a little steeper than the first stretch and in the shadows of the mountain. Halfway down, I started to go too fast again, and tried to remember Kyle's words of not panicking, because that is when you freeze up and forget what to do. It worked for a bit, but then I sped up and totally freaked out. Next thing I knew, I was sliding down the hill face first. Images of blood and broken bones passed through my mind as I felt my head bang around and my legs flopped as much as my skis would let them.

Then I stopped.

I was on all fours. My hair hung in my face. I was breathing heavily. My face was hot. My left ankle hurt a little, but I didn't break any bones.

"That was spectacular!" Kyle beamed. "Here are your glasses." I looked around and saw the remnants of the Nicole-explosion scattered about. My left ski, my cap, my ski poles, my glasses. I hugged the cold snow, not thrilled about going the rest of the way down. Eventually I got up and skied down the rest of the hill. I was shaking now, and definitely needed a break, so we headed to Chalet Polan.

Back in the Chalet, I briefly checked out my face, which was burning by this time, and saw that no damage had been done. Thankfully snow is soft, so I didn't acquire any scrapes or cuts. Kyle was still eager to get some more skiing in, so we agreed to stay a couple more hours. Since my clothes were wet, I decided to also get some more time in on the slopes before my body temperature cooled, but as I walking to the lift I could feel my ankle speaking to me. Sure enough, on my first post-wipe-out run, I wiped out again, but this time I lost both my skis! This was a sign from the universe, encouraging me to quit for the day, so I headed back to the chalet and iced my ankle. Afterwards I went back to the tippy-top and took some photos. I didn't dare ski down this time, but took the lift down instead.

It was bitter cold on that lift, but I swear, coming down slowly like that, floating above the trees and other skiers, is like descending from heaven. If I had had wings, I would have been an angel. It was breathtaking.

Erzurum itself is a pretty nice place. Even the coal cloud hanging over it isn't overtly noticable between all the buildings, unlike Trabzon. The people are friendly and helpful when we ask for directions. They either take us there or give us enough directions to memorize and then instruct us to ask again. Last night, one man was so eager to help us that he changed direction of where he was headed and took us to his favorite restaurant. Then he called his brother in Denizli (southwestern Turkey) who had lived in the US for some time and had me speak with him. His brother wanted to talk with me more, so he gave me his email address.

The water here is simply amazing. You can drink the tap water because it comes directly from the mountains. I could drink gallons of it. The bread is also wonderful. It's a bit wider than in Trabzon and softer, but not in a WonderBread way. In a light and airy way. Anyway, it's really good, too.

Tomorrow we head back to Trabzon and hopefully we'll be able to get some sightseeing in before we leave with my bum ankle. There are several cool things here, one of them being the Ethnography museum. Yeehaw!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Insert Creative Title for Recent Events Here

Since Kyle arrived on Christmas Eve, I have found myself planning lessons in a hurry and wishing my classes were shorter. We have had a lovely time together visiting various sights in and around Trabzon. Some of the places we went are Sumela, Ataturk's Pavilion, Boztepe, Aya Sofia, and the Russian Bazaar. We've also gone shopping in numerous other stores for various items, including some special jewelry.

Now what do we need jewelry for? As of New Year's Day, we are officially engaged!

To celebrate, I'm taking the day off tomorrow and we're going to Erzurum, a town about 5 hours south of here, to go skiing. I have never been downhill skiing in my life and Kyle hasn't been since he was thirteen, so hopefully we'll manage okay.

I have photographs of the last couple weeks, but it's frustating keeping a photo blog without my own computer. I can't tell you how many times I've installed this program I need to upload my pictures from my camera to the computer and every time it's been deleted. Grrrr!

See you after Erzurum, folks!

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