Nicole's Turkish Travels

my first independent adventure

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Cart Merchants

man with cart

Like I wrote a month or so ago, lots of things are sold on carts. This man is selling anything related to cleaning. Mops, brooms, buckets, even front door mats.

another man with a cart

This man is selling gozleme. You can see the thin dough on the left and the cooking surface shaped like a mushroom on the right.

sunflower seeds

Even though you can't really see the cart, this man's cart has two seperate glass sections for two types of sunflower seeds. They were yummy, although I had a difficult time trying to eat them. Bahadir said they are addictive.

another man selling sunflower seeds

Not more than 500 meters from the green cart man was this guy, also selling sunflower seeds. The Turks love them some seeds, I guess.

selling metal

This man walked by my apartment at least twice a week, singing his selling song. He was buying and selling old metal.


This guy was always selling some sort of fruit near my office. Sometimes kiwi, sometiems bananas, sometimes strawberries.

The end.


  • At 8:17 AM, Blogger nicole said…

    That's awesome! I love how healthy food is readily available there. I'm really missing that. Maybe instead of being a teacher, I'll get my own fruit cart and promote healthy snacks outside all the malls and schools.

  • At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Nicole, I've fallen behind on reading this, so I'm trying to catch up. Forgive the question, but are you back in the States for good or are you taking a break and returning to Turkey to teach another semester?

  • At 8:47 AM, Blogger nicole said…

    I'm back in the States for good. Nothing bad happened. I would rather not post on the blog my reasons for leaving as I feel it would be unprofessional. I also don't know who all reads this blog and don't want any weird rumors starting in Trabzon. So I emailed you a note to your hotmail account, Erica. I hope you still check it! :)


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