Nicole's Turkish Travels

my first independent adventure

Friday, October 01, 2004

Get Your Vote On!

My public announcement to everyone during this presidential election is as follows:


I read in the International Herald Tribune (published by the New York Times) yesterday that many Americans are trying to cast absentee ballots, but with little success. Many voters cannot get the proper form off the Internet or get busy signals when trying to fax their forms in to the US. In fact, many have given up! I dare say, this is not the election to give up on, but if the politcians in your state are making it difficult to vote, what else can a person overseas do? The local embassy should have the proper forms, but what of it when you can't send it in? Abentee ballots caused quite a stir in Florida during the 2000 elections because some arrived late and not all of them were counted. So my suggestion to you, whether you are abroad or not, is to take all possible measures to be sure your vote is counted.

There. My community service duty is done for now.


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