Nicole's Turkish Travels

my first independent adventure

Friday, October 22, 2004

Ballot sent, wallet empty

I sure hope John Kerry wins, because it cost me $35 to send my ballot yesterday. Oh, which reminds me. Check this website out: The Panic Room is rather interesting.

So anyway, enough about the election (because I'm sure all my friends back in the States are sick of hearing about it). Let's talk about cooking.

I've been trying to make pancakes for two weeks now. You would think that making pancakes would be a piece of cake (forgive the pun), but I've stumbled over several obstacles just trying to have this normal American breakfast. First I didn't have a pan. Well, duh, go out and buy one. It took me a while to find one without the yucky teflon coating junk. Second, I didn't have any ingredients. The night I decided to go out and buy them was the first night that people were buying food stuffs for the first dinner of Ramazan. The stores were so crowded, which made it not only difficult to move around, but made it near impossible to stand in the aile and look up the Turkish words for things like flour, sugar, and vanilla, and cinnamon.

The next morning I realized I didn't have a recipe (my books still haven't come), so I tried to make it up. Ha. I had some soupy goopy stuff that didn't really do much.

Thank goodness for the Internet, because I found a million and one recipies! It was at this time that I noticed I had forgotten to put baking powder in my original attempt, so I stopped at the store to get some.

Now I thought I was equipped. I had all the ingredients and all the utensils (except a metal spatula to flip cakes with, a whisk to mix everything with, and a sifter to sift my flour, but those aren't important). I was ready to have a good home-cooked breakfast.

As usual, the first pancake didn't turn out(my first ones never do). I put two more in the pan, and watched them steam and bubble up through the glass lid. Flipping them was a bit of challenge but I managed okay. Then, as I was about to take them out of the pan, the oil reached beyond its peak temperature and started smoking terribly. Even though it was chilly outside, I opened the kitchen window all the way to clear the air. My plan was foiled! How was I to make pancakes if the oil burns, causing carcinogens to enter my precious pancakes (which I ate anyway)? Phoo on this experiment!

I have attempted once more with the same results. What am I going to do? I'm going through withdrawl. I need pancakes or french toast like the earth needs water. I'm parched!

Fear not, dear friends. I will have my beloved pancakes. In the meantime I'm eating this lovely bread that is only available during Ramazan, and it's sooooooo good! It's called Ramazan pidesi. Yum, yum.

Well, I'm off to try more during-Ramazan-only food.


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