Oooooh, I'm so angry!
Along with everyone else in the world, I'm hella pissed off about this election. I was just on the indy media website (the call it the sElection) and guess what I found? News from my good ol' alma mater, Beloit College.
Beloit President Supports Students Against Challenges to Voting
Megan Roche, 02.11.2004 12:48
A Republican lawyer challenged Beloit College students'
registrations, and Beloit's president came with a notarized
list of students and laywers to support the voters.
This just in from LPOV-Beloit! This morning in Beloit, WI a
lawyer for the Republicans was challenging Beloit College
students saying that they could not register same day with
their Beloit student IDs. The Beloit college president came
down to the polls with a notarized list of the students and
lawyers to fight for the students' right to vote!! Now students
are witnessing registrations, the lines are out the door as they
have been since 8 am this morning and the majority of those in
line are college students who are signed up or signing up for
our SLATE!!!
Rock it Beloit!!
Also, check out this website for more information on how electronic voting machines changed people's ballots without leaving a paper trail. How can this be legal? Are there protests all over the place in the US? It's not in the news at all. What's going on?
Here is something else I found:
Electric voting machines in a precinct in Columbus Ohio gave
George W. Bush 3,893 votes while giving John Kerry 260. Yet
only 638 ballots were cast. This is according to Matthew Damschroder,
director of the Franklin County Board of Elections.
What is happening? Are we living in medieval times? Someone said that Jeb is thinking of running for president next? If this continues, we'll never have a voice in who runs the nation again! Oh, I wish I was home now so I could do something! Wait, I can do something from Turkey. I'm going to write a letter to the guy who stole our election yet again. He's cunning, but he's not that clever. I almost feel like writing a letter isn't enough. Perhaps we can convince our representatives to impeach the man.
Oh, but I just thought of something else.
If he can get away with rigging the presidential election, who's to say he can't rig the votes for other elected officials? That would explain why the Republican party is the majority in Washington now. Oh, my anger has plummeted to despair.
Beloit President Supports Students Against Challenges to Voting
Megan Roche, 02.11.2004 12:48
A Republican lawyer challenged Beloit College students'
registrations, and Beloit's president came with a notarized
list of students and laywers to support the voters.
This just in from LPOV-Beloit! This morning in Beloit, WI a
lawyer for the Republicans was challenging Beloit College
students saying that they could not register same day with
their Beloit student IDs. The Beloit college president came
down to the polls with a notarized list of the students and
lawyers to fight for the students' right to vote!! Now students
are witnessing registrations, the lines are out the door as they
have been since 8 am this morning and the majority of those in
line are college students who are signed up or signing up for
our SLATE!!!
Rock it Beloit!!
Also, check out this website for more information on how electronic voting machines changed people's ballots without leaving a paper trail. How can this be legal? Are there protests all over the place in the US? It's not in the news at all. What's going on?
Here is something else I found:
Electric voting machines in a precinct in Columbus Ohio gave
George W. Bush 3,893 votes while giving John Kerry 260. Yet
only 638 ballots were cast. This is according to Matthew Damschroder,
director of the Franklin County Board of Elections.
What is happening? Are we living in medieval times? Someone said that Jeb is thinking of running for president next? If this continues, we'll never have a voice in who runs the nation again! Oh, I wish I was home now so I could do something! Wait, I can do something from Turkey. I'm going to write a letter to the guy who stole our election yet again. He's cunning, but he's not that clever. I almost feel like writing a letter isn't enough. Perhaps we can convince our representatives to impeach the man.
Oh, but I just thought of something else.
If he can get away with rigging the presidential election, who's to say he can't rig the votes for other elected officials? That would explain why the Republican party is the majority in Washington now. Oh, my anger has plummeted to despair.
At 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Nicole. It's Cody again. I seem to check your site everyday now. I guess I miss you :( Thanks so much for the info you posted today. It's definitely not in the papers here and I haven't hard anything on the radio, but I did hear about this in church this morning! As much as I dislike parts of living in the Bay Area I love that. I'll definitely keep you updated with what's going on here. But, it seems to me that many of the "progressives" I talk to do not want to consider the possibility that this election was rigged. Additionally, we are distracted by what is going on in Iraq with the attack on Fallujah. They are having an emergency day after protest in San Francisco when it officially begins. Eric and I did attend a protest in SF the day after the election and there were about 3 to 5,000 people out in the cold rainy weather for hours. I would've expected more, but they are generally ineffective anyway. One of the SF papers said there were "a couple dozen people" at the protest! Well, take care and don't lose hope.
At 1:54 PM,
sarah, princess of power said…
nicole, you need to show your students this site. not all americans are idiots. half of us are really, really nice people who are just as baffled and outraged as the global community is.
At 8:38 PM,
Jenevieve said…
Hey, Nicole
I understand that George Bush is a real stinker, and probably there was some major riff raff hampening at polls- those republicans really have a meanstreak! But I think there is someone worth being madder at- John Kerry! He is such a lame ass. Can't he stand up for us? What sort of "leader" doesn't even demand a recount? At first I was mad at America for being so afraid, but then I became mad at the Democratic Party and Kerry for not giving us a real leader who would really fight for us. That's the saddest part of all of this. I want to do my part and I will continue to, but I hate the democrats more than the republicans because I once expected more out of them.
The other thing I would like to say is that Bush has always been my boogie man. We are so afraid of what he will do next. In a way we have gone to the other side of being frightened- some people are afraid of terrorists, we're afraid of Bush, but no more baby! You know the spooky thing is, I bet Bush might be fun to have at a party, not of course in the White House though! I can understand why people fell under his spell. I will always be critical of his policies and actions, but I am not going to be afraid. I tried and I will continue to fight for a better America. I can not put the weight of dead Iraqis, dead soldiers, poor people and all the other victims of this administration on my back, because when I let fear and anger take over, I am actually manuevering myself away from the cause. NO more negative- ONLY POSITIVE! It's hard- I know a few people who have been brought to tears beacue of this election, but we are still here and we can still fight, just harder than before. We need to eductate and inspire. We need dialogue! Don't swim in sadness to long, everybody- I love you too much!
At 12:04 PM,
nicole said…
I never intended to talk about politics on my travel blog, but this whole election business has been less than satisfying. Talking with my flatmate, John, has been helpful. As I mentioned before, he was a history student. He doesn't think the elections were stolen for several reasons, the biggest being that if the election was indeed stolen, the international media would have picked up on it in a heartbeat, because the whole world wanted Kerry to win. Also, as Jenevieve asked, why wouldn't Kerry challenge it?
Of course there are many details about it all that I feel unsure about, but at this point I don't know what else to do. I'm still going to write my letter to Tammy Baldwin and Russ Feingold, and I'm still going to vote in other elections. I won't give up.
Emma told me that the number of Americans inquiring about becoming citizens of other English-speaking nations has escalated to unprecendented heights. The immigration office in Canada had one phone line that got maybe 5 calls a day. Starting at midnight on election night, the phone began ringing off the hook. The Australians have also reported surge in the number of hits to their immigration website.
Well, I'm going to go back to talking about what's happening here. Thank you, my friends for your emails and comments. It's great to hear from you.
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