Nicole's Turkish Travels

my first independent adventure

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Turkish Weddings

Two people I know were recently married here in Turkey. One is my good friend Bahadir and the other is Emma. The Turkish wedding ceremony is a little different from that in States. Instead of walking down the aile in a church (Muslim people don't go to church), the sit at a table and sign a book next to a guy with a microphone telling something to all the guests. During this time, they also kiss the Koran. What the announcer says might be similar to what they say at American weddings, but I can't be sure. Anyway, after the ceremony, the couple gets up from the table, the announcer introduces them as Mister and Misses So-and-So and they have their first dance. This is followed by much dancing by all the guests and from then on it's your typical post-wedding celebration, but with Turkish music instead of American (duh).

The ceremonies are sometimes held in auditorium halls so that everyone can see. Flowers are given to the couple from people and companies wishing them well.

wedding flowers at the zorlu

At Emma's wedding, there were lots of flower arrangements like these here. Afterwards, there was the traditional kissing line as they left the hall (I can't remember if Bahadir's had this or not). As everyone came and kissed her, they gave her either a gold bracelet or pinned a red thing (not sure exactly what the red thing is--a flower?) on her dress. The goal is to make her chest as red as possible.

Why am I showing you this? I got this picture when I came out of the Internet cafe last week in pouring rain. Outside the very expensive Zorlu Hotel were hundreds of these flower arrangements. Apparently, somebody who is very rich got married last Sunday. Wee! I got to see the bride and I must say she was beautiful.


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